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Hazing Prevention and Education - Workshop Request Form
Please complete this form to request a hazing prevention workshop from staff trained through IU's campus-wide Hazing Prevention Coalition. To request more information on workshops available through the Coalition, please email Tripp Harris at
Please briefly describe what you are looking for in a hazing prevention workshop (e.g., holistic hazing prevention workshop, overview of IU's anti-hazing and/or conduct policies, healthy relationship-building, etc.).
Who is the target audience for this workshop? Select all that apply:
Community-based partners
Write-In Answer
Approximately how many participants do you expect will attend this workshop?
Is this workshop for a particular student group or IU department or office? If so, what is the name of the group, department, or office?
In order of preference, please list at least 3 possible dates and times for this workshop. Please try to request dates and times at least two weeks in advance.
Is there anything else you would like the workshop facilitator(s) to know that might help them prepare for this workshop?