Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc.
There are many reasons why Sigma Lambda Gamma was founded and why you should consider being a part of our National family. Sigma Lambda Gamma is a lifelong commitment. Not only will you get the academic and moral support that you need to be successful in college, but you will gain a lifetime of memories. You will learn more about yourself and other cultures while taking our five principles into the real world. Sigma Lambda Gamma is also committed to providing support and sisterhood beyond the undergraduate years by benefiting from our alumnae options. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. believes that a multicultural experience during the college years and beyond enhances each members ability to function in a pluralistic society. In the few years that the sorority has been in existence, we have become the largest historically Latina-based sorority with multicultural membership in the United States. Founded April 9th, 1990, we are an academic, cultural, service and social organization, dedicated to promoting the empowerment of women in higher education. Our primary goal is to promote our evolving and diverse cultures by sharing it with others through our five principles.
Mission Statement Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women. Through a network of multicultural sisters from collegiate chapters and alumnae associations located across the United States, we promote academic excellence and higher education for all women via dedication and incorporation of the sorority principles Academics, Community Service, Cultural Awareness, Morals & Ethics, and Social Interaction in our lives.