Habitat for Humanity at Indiana University

Habitat for Humanity at Indiana University


Join Habitat for Humanity to make a difference in people's lives and make lasting friendships along the way! Indiana University Campus Chapter helps the Bloomington community by providing on-site volunteers as well as organizing various fundraising, education, and advocacy events throughout the year. We work on houses through the Monroe County Habitat Chapter to provide safe, decent, affordable housing to the residents of Monroe County. Student volunteers are essential to the sponsorship, construction, and maintenance of many homes each year. Working to eliminate substandard housing in the Monroe County area is an initiative that demands time, money, and work. It is a goal that is imperative to the well-being of Monroe County and humanity as a whole.  Our organization bridges the gap between campus and community to make a meaningful impact, and have some fun along the way!


Contact us at iuhabitatforhumanity@gmail.com or @habitatiub on Instagram for more information.



Contact Information

900 E 7th St
IMU Student Activities Tower Suite 475
Bloomington, IN 47405
Contact Email E: iuhabitatforhumanity@gmail.com