Graduate Theory Association

Graduate Theory Association


The Graduate Theory Association at the IU Jacobs School of Music is comprised of graduate students interested in music theory. With the ultimate purpose of promoting collegiality within the music theory community at IU, the group functions both as an academic/professional-development and a social organization. The GTA brings together students with many varied interests and specialties into a relaxed setting where ideas may be exchanged more freely than perhaps a classroom would allow.

Closely associated with the GTA is the Indiana Theory Review, a peer-reviewed music theory journal published semi-annually, and produced entirely by students.

Members are elected each year to represent the GTA to the rest of the IU community via the Graduate and Professional Student Government.

The GTA is open to any graduate student at IU with an interest in music theory. No fees or dues are charged; members are, however, encouraged to show their support of music theory at IU by subscribing to the Indiana Theory Review. All theory majors and theory AIs are automatically members of the GTA.

Contact Information

Simon Music Library and Recital Center, room 225H
200 S Eagleson Ave
Bloomington, IN 47401
Contact Email E:
Phone Number P: 812-855-5716